from the Artist...
"Among the many sounds that captivate the ear and heart of Post Modern audiences, is the the cry of Urban Jazz. Primal to this art form is its willingness to boldly snatch needed ingredients from other idioms in order to articulate complex musical truths to audiences in the most relevant way possible. More traditional forms of Jazz tend to balk at this notion and in their mocking, limit themselves to either trumpeting reverberations of the past or otherwise laboring to resuscitate senescent musical idealisms which, at best, supplies only brief gasps of life to the erudite. The swagger of Urban Jazz casually dodges this bullet.
The Music that I create strives to provide listeners with ear candy that's intelligent, but not condescending; sexy, but not sleazy; uncut, but not uncouth. This is one of the reasons the genre speaks to me. Urban Jazz breaks rules. It doesn't try to lead from behind, but rather each expression, each performance, each recording--gives me the
opportunity to communicate my story in a way the masses of humanity can both understand and appreciate. This revolutionary personification of artistic dignity also showcases my vulnerability, just as equally as it might my strengths. It really speaks truth to power and, for me, provides a confirmation that this is indeed how I--as a 21st Century Artist & Creative--should speak to the world.
That said, it is my hope that through its sheer audacity, the music I create will not only gain wide acceptance, but also blaze a path for other musicians of similar bent and pedigree to follow suit, escorting fresh iterations of what's "dope" out of the funeral parlors of museum elevator's and into the listening rooms and dance floors of today's generation. Power to the people!"